CTP Treasure Chest

Some of the challenges in running a local league is finding ways to keep things exciting and fun for the players to keep showing up week after week. While many leagues will have an ‘Ace Pot’ and some have different CTP (Closest To Pin) entries, these usually result in players forking up more money when signing in and registering. 

One of the creative ideas that came up in our local league, Friday Night Flights, was the creation of the CTP Treasure Chest. In speaking with the players, it became apparent that many, if not every player, had discs that they were not being used and simply collecting dust. The creation of the CTP Treasure Chest was centered around gathering up new, used, and no longer played discs to become additional weekly prizes. Each week 2-4 holes would be selected (at each course in the league’s rotation) as the ‘CTP holes’ 

…granting every player that showed up to play an opportunity to win a disc in additon to the payouts and ace pool. 

What followed was an amazing evolution within the league, with players bringing new and used discs to donate to the CTP Treasure Chest, growing to 50+ discs within a few weeks (reuniting some players with lost discs) and continuing each week that followed. As the season continued, now on our second to last Friday of a 35 week season, the CTP Treasure Chest has become a dynamic part of what keep players coming back each and every week 

…granting players the opportunity to hit one of the CTP holes and pick up discs that they might not normaly try. 

Looking ahead to the 2022 season, the CTP Treasure Chest will continue to be a dynamic component within our local league, with the hope that we can keep more discs in the hands of the players and not collecting dust. 

This experience has led me to expand my bag, and most importantly, my mind to new brands and plastic that have helped me continue to evolve my game. 

So to any league directors and/or players looking for something new and different to bring to their local league I highly recommend creating your own CTP Treasure Chest and getting more discs in the hands of the players!  

Recommended3 recommendationsPublished in Community, Doubles, Leagues, Pay It Forward

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