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Getting Started Guide



Use our "Members Directory" to find players based on skill level, PDGA#, UDisc handle, location, and more. Easily find players who are in your area for your next disc golf meet up. Easily sort our directory by alphabetical, newest, and recently active. Quickly connect, message, and follow your favorite players.

Drop Zone

Discover trending social media content all in one place! From trending Instagram, X, and TikTok hashtags, to YouTube, Reddit, Rumble, and recent Podcasts – stay updated with the latest news in the disc golf world wihtout having to access each social app sepeaately. The "Drop Zone" will bring trending disc golf content to you!


Create your own or find other popular blogs, groups, discussions, and forums within the community. Share your experiences, insights, and tips with like-minded individuals.


Highlight your business, shop, or services with a dedicated Business Page. Boost your presence within the disc golf community and let others discover what you have to offer. Members can easily find your SPACE inside our directory. SPACES include: seperate inbox (owner of the page), about section, add other organizers, reviews, open hours, ability to link it to groups, and much more.


Effortlessly navigate through event calendars of the most popular disc golf event websites – PDGA, Disc Golf Scene, and UDisc. Quick links save you time while searching for sanctioned and unsanctioned events.


Explore newly released projects and see what's in development on our roadmap. Vote with your voice by joining discussions about potential features and let us know what's important to you. Help us shape CODGC together!

Global News Feed

Our global 'News Feed' keeps you connected to the activity that's happening inside the entire community. Explore what's going on in your community by filtering the newsfeed by: likes, connections, groups, mentions, and following.See what's being posted in real time (no algorithms, just live content) and when new members join, create a discussion, group, blog, and more.

Live Messaging

Live 'Messaging' keeps you connected to your inner circle. For players to message eachother they must both accept each others 'Connection Requests'. Chat with one person or add multiple people to your 'Direct Messages'. Groups offer more dynamic messaging options between groups members, organizers, and select members within that group.

Simple Scorecard

For casual rounds or new players, CODGC offers a free simple scorecard, making the game accessible and enjoyable for everyone. This can be used for individual rounds, leagues, or to keep score while playing the CHAINS boardgame. This Scorecard is for beginner disc golfers. It is not meant to compete or replace the use of other scorecard apps (including live scoring options for sandctioned events).

MORE tab

The "More" tab is where you can find your 'Player Profile', 'Simple Scorecard', 'Notification' and 'Privacy Settings', 'Contact Support', see 'Tutorials', 'Send Bug Reports', share invites to the app with friends, and much more.


The "Settings" tab can be found inside the app's "More" tab on the bottom right. Settings is where you can edit your 'Notifications' (Desktop, Web, Mobile), 'Privacy,' 'Login Info', block members, restrict group invites from non-connected members, 'Export Data', see 'About' (app version), 'Send Feedback', 'Report A Bug', 'Share The App' button to invite friends, and 'Logout'.

Share This App!

Like CODGC? Now you can easily share our app with your friends! Simply go to the 'More' > 'Settings' > 'Share this App' to instantly share out to social media, text, or email. Includes quick share and copy link options so you can share the invite to anyone online.

Learn how you can use CODGC

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Wherever you go

Stay Connected

Mobile App

iOS & Android App Stores

Are you planning a fun day out on the course or have a busy schedule ahead? No worries! Our mobile app is here to help you stay connected so you never miss out on any exciting updates from your disc golf community. It’s time to share your next disc golf adventure with us!

Web Optimized

Website On Mobile Phones

Whether you’re out on the course or on tour, we’ve got you covered with our web-optimized version. No need to clutter up your phone with another app, simply login through the website from your mobile device. It’s easy and convenient. Stay connected with us wherever your day takes you.


Website On Desktop / Laptops

If you’re a fan of the traditional layout found on Facebook’s desktop experience, you’ll feel right at home with ours. You can easily navigate through a simple dashboard and connect with your disc golf community in no time. 

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Getting Started Guide

Best Practices

Welcome New Members

Check out the Global Newsfeed to see when New Members Join. Share Good Vibes by welcoming them into the community! It's a fun way to see who's new, visit their profile to see where they're from, and celebrate the growth of our community. #ShareGoodVibes

Transparency Online

Our goal is to make meeting online as personal as possible as if we're all meeting up at the course, becuase someday we may throw a round together! That's why all CODGC accounts need to be your real first and last name. Your community URL can be whatever you'd like and can include your company's name. Your Player Profile is all about you! Complete your profile so people can easily find you through our Member Directory and get to know what you're all about.

Comment & Share

The Global News Feed is a great way to share your disc golf moments. You can share weblinks in your posts, video, or images. Choose how public your posts are by editing your post's privacy within the post box. Remember: you can't upload pictures, videos, and documents all at the same time. You have to choose one type of media per post. Video sizes is up to 1000mb for each video (max 2 videos per post). 

Connection Requests

Members can only send direct messages (DM) to you if they are already connected with you. Accept and send Cconnection Requests so you can direct message with those you trust. This prevents spamming of inboxes and lets you choose who can direct message you. 


You can follow someone that interests you and stay connected to any updates they have within the community. Following someone does not mean you can message them directly. To DM someone, they have to accept the Connect Request you send them. Following is a great way to receive notifications about recent activity from that person so you never miss out on what's new.


CODGC has 3 privacy settings for groups. You have the option to make your group (Public) shows up in the global News Feed , (Private) visible in directory, invite only, or request to join or (Hidden) invite only, only those invited can join and see content posted on the site, and is not listed or searchable within the group directory.

Business - Brands - Shops

Your player account must be under your real first and last name. You're user @ handle can be the name of your company/brand/shop. You're welcome to create your own Business Page (SPACE) along with creating a group to add a social aspect to your Business Page. Simply invite people to join both so they can stay connected to updates and events. You can also make a post in the News Feed that invites people to join your Space or group and use a link back to that page. .

Create & Share Blogs

You can create blogs from CODGC and share them out across the internet. Quickly share your blogs to your Facebook and X/Twitter audiences. Copy & past your blog link to other sites and across social media. Members can bookmark you Blogs for quick reference and also comment below your blog to create engaement. When somone 'Reccomends' your Blog, their recommendation will appear in the Global News Feed for other members to find.

Blogs: Affiliate Links

Share your insights, grow your audience, and generate revenue using affiliate or referral links you share within your blogs. Share trusted products/services with your audience while earning income at the same time. CODGC highly encourages transparency about possible affilaite commissions you may earn with audience when sharing these types of links. A simple note at the top or bottom of your blog noting the use of affilaite/referral link will  build trust and support as you grow you audience.

Blogs: Embed Links to your site

We want to support our content creators and help you grow your audience for free. Create your blogs on CODGC and also embed your blog links back to your site. Have your audience easily find you while becoming the go-to authority within your niche. 

Like CODGC? Share this link with your friends to download the App.