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CODGC 2024 HOME Forums Let’s Talk Pro Tour What to do with Nikko?

  • Dylan Wevers

    July 22, 2022 at 12:00 pm

    You beat me to it lol. I wasn’t so gentle.

    • Dave Baumrucker

      July 22, 2022 at 12:04 pm

      It seems that there is going to need to be the establishment of a penalty/ fine system put in place. Otherwise, I feel that Nikko will continue playing into this behavior as his branded persona.

      • Dylan Wevers

        July 22, 2022 at 12:21 pm

        Absolutely. They need to set an example with him. This behavior is really not ok especially outside of America too. What kind of picture does that paint when they are considering expanding the pro tour to Europe even more?

  • Aaron Hallberg

    July 22, 2022 at 12:23 pm

    I think the 30 seconds stroke needs to be monitored/enforced on every card at major tournaments. The negative reinforcement as a result of losing strokes will root out the behavior and acts as a fine of sorts when you think of going down the leaderboard.

    • Richard Rasch

      July 24, 2022 at 9:22 pm

      Agreed. Players rarely call it on each other on the Pro Tour and I wonder if each Pro knows they may want some grace to take extra time themselves at some point in the tourney and therefore avoid the issue. I would love to see a hole designated as a “timed” hole or “shot clock” hole. Choose one on the front nine and one on the back. The timing will be done by officials rather than card mates on these designated holes. The official will announce when the clock has started and announce the elapsed time after the shot is taken and apply any necessary penalty stroke or warning. (The time keeper can even engage the other three card mates to get a consensus on when time should start. The player can even call out start when they are ready) Every throw from the tee shot to the final putt will be under scrutiny. Implementing this will give invaluable data about the 30 second rule and let us all see which Pros may be under prepared for the added pressure. These top level players all know they need to practice putting and they find a way to get it done. If they know they need to practice quicker decision making they will work that out as well.

  • Bryant Whitcome

    July 22, 2022 at 12:23 pm

    Nikko is one of those adults that never matured past 8th grade.

    • Brian Meyer

      July 22, 2022 at 3:04 pm

      Nikko is a bully that has probably never seen any serious consequences for his behavior. He brow beats and tries to intimidate people in situations he knows they are prudent not to respond. That official did a great job of keeping his cool, maintaining professionalism, and returning to the task at hand. It’s pretty clear that Nikko was trying to get a reaction and when he didn’t get it, he doubles down on the intimidation attempt.

      Every sport will have “the guy you love to hate” but there’s no room for trying to bully someone simply for enforcing the rules he agreed to by entering the tournament. I’m sure this is not the last to be heard on this situation. Lots of professional businesspeople are in charge of his sponsorship/endorsements and I don’t believe they would support his actions as they reflect poorly on their brands.

      “Professional” is not just a division, but an attitude and code of conduct; those at the highest level of our sport should be held to the highest standard of those rules, regulations, and penalties.

      Unfortunate situation all around because he really is a great disc golfer. But those soft skills need a TON of work.

  • Dave Baumrucker

    July 23, 2022 at 2:17 am

    The PDGA has made their decision.

    “All players must adhere to a professional standard of sporting ethics, courtesy, and integrity while participating in a PDGA-sanctioned event…If a player violates the above standard the Tournament Director will immediately disqualify the player. Actions that violate this standard include, but are not limited to overt rudeness or threatening behavior to anyone present.”

    • Brian Meyer

      July 23, 2022 at 7:52 am

      Gateway already issued an apology. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the rest of his sponsors begin distancing themselves from Nikko. Those companies don’t want their names attached to that behavior. I think this is just the beginning. Westside has Ricky Wysocki now as their shining star. They don’t need to hang onto the proverbial turd in the punch bowl.

      • Dave Baumrucker

        July 23, 2022 at 9:34 am

        Are we witnessing the evolution of a new standard in player accountability? 🤔

        • Brian Meyer

          July 23, 2022 at 8:05 pm

          Indeed I believe so. Most know this is not the first time Nikko has given a public apology for his behavior and I think most are tired of the antics. An interesting layer to this is that Nikko’s uncle is part owner (I may be inaccurate on the uncle’s title/position) of Gateway Disc Sports. If anyone was in a position to be lenient I’d imagine it would be him but it seems even he is distancing himself and his company from his own nephew.

          There is quite a bit of arguing on other social media platforms surrounding this and it ultimately devolves into insults and anger which is ironic seeing as how that is the heart of what started this circus. I’m happy something like this happened in camera though. It can serve as an example of how having a good attitude and carrying yourself as a professional is just as important as having the talent to compete.

  • Dave Baumrucker

    August 9, 2022 at 4:57 pm

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