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CODGC 2024 HOME Forums Let’s Talk Pro Tour What to do with Nikko? Reply To: What to do with Nikko?

  • Brian Meyer

    July 23, 2022 at 8:05 pm

    Indeed I believe so. Most know this is not the first time Nikko has given a public apology for his behavior and I think most are tired of the antics. An interesting layer to this is that Nikko’s uncle is part owner (I may be inaccurate on the uncle’s title/position) of Gateway Disc Sports. If anyone was in a position to be lenient I’d imagine it would be him but it seems even he is distancing himself and his company from his own nephew.

    There is quite a bit of arguing on other social media platforms surrounding this and it ultimately devolves into insults and anger which is ironic seeing as how that is the heart of what started this circus. I’m happy something like this happened in camera though. It can serve as an example of how having a good attitude and carrying yourself as a professional is just as important as having the talent to compete.