Forum Replies Created

  • Dylan Wevers

    July 22, 2022 at 6:18 pm in reply to: Eagle McMahon: Bird is the Word

    Just praying he stays healthy and doesn’t push it too soon.

  • Dylan Wevers

    July 22, 2022 at 12:00 pm in reply to: What to do with Nikko?

    You beat me to it lol. I wasn’t so gentle.

  • Dylan Wevers

    July 19, 2022 at 10:25 am in reply to: Evolution

    Just thought of a useful idea! I’m not sure what material the posts of the new signage will be at oakwood. But what if we installed small hooks on each post, and for league or tourneys we could hang laminated signs like “CTP HOLE: please move the flag and write your name on the sheet/pick up if you are last group through. Then there is less need to announce ctp holes.

  • Dylan Wevers

    November 1, 2022 at 3:59 pm in reply to: Who’s the 2022 King and Queen?

    Kristin hands down won this year. Wasn’t even really close!

  • Dylan Wevers

    July 23, 2022 at 10:27 pm in reply to: Who’s the 2022 King and Queen?

    But Eveliina has proven she belongs in the mix this year

  • Dylan Wevers

    July 23, 2022 at 9:51 pm in reply to: Who’s the 2022 King and Queen?

    That course has got to be ridiculously hard for those women to be shooting that far above par!

  • Dylan Wevers

    July 23, 2022 at 10:12 pm in reply to: Who’s the 2022 King and Queen?

    I hope this to be true: “Eagle’s back”

  • Dylan Wevers

    July 22, 2022 at 12:21 pm in reply to: What to do with Nikko?

    Absolutely. They need to set an example with him. This behavior is really not ok especially outside of America too. What kind of picture does that paint when they are considering expanding the pro tour to Europe even more?

  • Dylan Wevers

    March 21, 2022 at 3:06 pm in reply to: Who’s the 2022 King and Queen?

    At the moment I would argue Dickerson or Mcbeth and Tattar for the women. She is definitely playing the most consistent at a high level.