Reply To: Welcome Page (Onbaording)

  • Brandy Baumrucker

    September 26, 2023 at 6:05 pm

    Thank you @TrashPandaDG for your feedback and ideas!

    I like the way the page is laid out and the info included. My first thought is that as a new member i would click on one of the topics ( making an assumption they are links) then not be able to get back to that landing page again. Would it just move you directly into the app? Yes, they are links. I’m considering making the photo you’re looking at be what you first see on the Community Guidelines page. Regarding the ‘Welcome’ pop-up page, I think it’s best to keep it simple with only one Call To Action being watching the short Welcome video and the other to click on “Start Here” button which will direct users to the Community Guidelines page with design elements from the image I shared. Sorry for the confusion, this image was just a staring place in the design process.

    To be fair the app is not super initiative in some places so having a welcome/landing page like this for reference would be awesome. I appreciate your feedback, I’d like to explore ways to make the app navigation more intuitive. What areas specifically do you think can be improved?

    Another question- what problem is this welcome page solving? And is it one the app could be better structured to address?

    1. The “Welcome” page would solve the problem of new members not being introduced to what the online community is about, values, where to start, what to explore, and how to get the most out of the community. It would also allow the CODGC team to personally welcome everyone and provide a common onboarding/introduction to the community. A guide to start their journey and where to go if they need help or have questions.
    2. The team is working to make Group Types (Leagues, Tournaments, Clubs, Events, Brands, Non-Profits, General Interstes) indivudally found on the app’s “Home” page and easier to find in each of their own directories.