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  • Posted by Dave Baumrucker on July 9, 2022 at 1:55 am

    I have been co-running the Friday Night Flights league with @aaron-hallberg for the past few years now and with each passing season we find ourselves bringing forward new ideas, new formats, and new members of the league into leadership positions (@dyl). This has led our league (in the Saint Paul metro) to see the continued growth of members…and even better the growth of competition!

    While our weekly Friday night random doubles league (Friday Night Flights) has existed for years, it has now grown to incorporate playing at 4 different courses, adding the CTP Treasure Chest, adding “Double Down” and “Triple Play” events (modifying entry costs), adding the “Longest Putt”, and finally connecting with silent sponsors to donate a brand new Latitude 64 practice basket (Big Thanks – You Know Who You Are) creating a end of the season raffle entry for anyone who wins the CTP or Longest Putt each week.

    In doing this, the energy and attitude of the league has transformed – with players creating new connections, learning each other’s names, and most importantly supporting each other in other events inside, and outside, the sport of disc golf.

    So to anyone looking to establish, and/or elevate, their league consider some of these ideas and outlines…and most importantly invite your community of players to become part of the process!



    Dave Baumrucker replied 2 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Dylan Wevers

    July 19, 2022 at 10:25 am

    Just thought of a useful idea! I’m not sure what material the posts of the new signage will be at oakwood. But what if we installed small hooks on each post, and for league or tourneys we could hang laminated signs like “CTP HOLE: please move the flag and write your name on the sheet/pick up if you are last group through. Then there is less need to announce ctp holes.

    • Dave Baumrucker

      July 19, 2022 at 10:30 am

      This is a great idea! Then everybody is aware and it’s easy for set-up and take-down.

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