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CODGC 2024 HOME Forums Let’s Talk Pro Tour Live Coverage Dead Zones – Northwood Black Reply To: Live Coverage Dead Zones – Northwood Black

  • Gary Daddario

    August 18, 2022 at 12:46 pm

    I completely agree that the sport itself will evolve to solve the problems of coverage. The infrastructure of having good courses is a more difficult problem to figure out. Having been there personally, Northwood Black is a perfect course for the professionals because it’s something they can collectively agree on as being difficult and challenging. Having venues like this might also encourage more people to attend the events in person to see the courses.

    I think one of the bigger arguments being made was that the Disc Golf Network charges for viewership of these events and doesn’t provide full and complete viewership with these limitations. One of the better opinions brought to the table was to have a pre-show that had commentators (not the same as the broadcast) discussing the current state of the tour, the significance of certain individuals performance that particular weekend, and players to watch. Meanwhile, they could get highlight packages from the earlier cards playing through the viewable sections of the course. This would diversify the broadcast with new opinions and commentary and allow some other players to get some screen time who normally can’t.

    It’s great to see the sport continuing to grow and more people wanting to consume it. Having the spotlight on the deficiencies of the live broadcast has really helped improve the overall product from just last year to this year. I’m excited to see how it continues to evolve from here. Thanks for your great insights on the matter!