Disc golf art

One of the best tattoo artists in Finland can also capture disc golf players in charcoal drawings with amazing accuracy! 

Check these art works in his Instagram and be amazed! 

Väinö Mäkelä:


Ricky Wysocki:


Eagle McMahon:


Paul McBeth:


Fun facts about disc golf in Finland referring to UDisc:

Here are a few interesting facts that may help the majority of our readers understand the real scope of disc golf in Finland:

If Finland were a U.S. state, it would be the fifth-largest in area behind fourth-largest state Montana. Finland has 903 more disc golf courses than Montana.

The U.S. state with the most disc golf courses is Texas with 640. Finland has under half the area and one-fifth the total population of the Lone Star State. Finland has 363 more courses than Texas.

The #1 state in courses per capita is Kansas with one disc golf course per 8,760 people. To match Finland’s disc golf courses per capita rate, Kansas would need to add almost 200 courses to its current tally of 335 (i.e., increase its course total by over 50%) .

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