How can the Disc Golf Network improve?

  • How can the Disc Golf Network improve?

    Posted by Pat Wheatley on July 1, 2023 at 10:28 pm

    Not having chat, pause, and rewind during Live is my biggest complaint. I can live with the video quality sometimes bugging out because as a CCTV technician, I know that is an extremely expensive fix that DGN can’t afford yet. What other improvement would yall like to see?

    Jerry Mason replied 1 year, 1 month ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Dave Baumrucker

    July 1, 2023 at 10:42 pm

    I agree with you, it’s hard to be fully into live coverage without some needed updates. Everything takes both time and money and my feeling is that the fix comes with more people joining the sport and revenue coming in.

    So, it may be that the first challenge is to get more people to subscribe to the DGN, meeting it with patience and support as they continue to refine their craft. IMO, it comes down to all of us coming together and lifting up the companies that making the change we want to see.

  • Emily Beach

    July 1, 2023 at 10:45 pm

    Definitely agree with those three things.

    I don’t have a clue about television production, so I do not want to come off as ungrateful or as if I know what I’m talking about haha.

    Watching MPO today, they rarely showed the leaderboard. Perhaps they could keep the top 10 leaderboard (ideally, top 20-ish.) on at all times?

    I’d like to see more cards covered. though I understand the camera equipment and manpower can become expensive. I think it’d be cool to do a PGA style camera operation and see how that goes. Like, have cameras set up on almost all the holes so most cards can be covered, which equals more highlights for the DGPT social media and player promotion.

    • Dave Baumrucker

      July 2, 2023 at 9:27 am

      I’m also in the camp that I would like to see the top 8-10 players for both the MPO and FPO during live DGN coverage. Things can change so suddenly due to a bad tree kick, or going OB – it would be nice to see more of the depth surrounding the top spot.

    • Pat Wheatley

      July 2, 2023 at 12:52 pm

      One thing that I liked last year that they did was set up cameras on signature holes. Holes like 17 during the USDGC/Throw Pink, 8 at Maple Hill, 5 in Iowa, 16 in Emporia, ect. I thought that was a great idea, not sure why they aren’t doing it this year. This week for instance, I would of loved to watch the field throw 11.

    • Zach Hall

      July 13, 2023 at 10:12 pm

      Last Friday for MPO Joseph Anderson was like 11 down thru 14 or 15 holes and we didn’t see a single shot. We were watching Uli throw bogeys. (No hate; I love Uli and he came back hard that same round)

      The limitations are understandable, but it would be cool to eventually at the very least be able to cut to someone having a hot round.

      [I enjoy watching you throw, by the way. You’re awesome]

  • Eric Mullinax

    July 16, 2023 at 11:43 am

    As a newbie to all things disc golf (Apr 2023) I think the DGPT and DGN are awesome. The coverage on DGN is surprisingly good. I have a media production background as well, doing collegiate and pro sporting events over the year, and I give huge kudos to DGN for a great product. The one “gap” that I have is what you have already pointed out: the ability to rewind/pause during live events. I’d like to be able to join during the event and start at the beginning. The video and audio quality will continue to improve with time.

  • Jerry Mason

    July 30, 2023 at 1:26 pm

    I’m not completely sure why they are not allowed to do this (except that the manufacturer didn’t like it) but I would love to see a little box that shows what disc each player is throwing!

    • Dave Baumrucker

      July 30, 2023 at 1:31 pm

      I’m with you, I really like that feature. I heard that it became an issue with companies hosting events (IE: Innova, Discraft, MVP) when everyone is throwing discs not by the sponsor of the event. Even though I get it… I’m with you @JAM_Disc_Golf it was a great feature to get insights of what the pros are throwing.

      • Jerry Mason

        July 30, 2023 at 1:35 pm

        I feel like the only way around that from the manufacturer standpoint is to have those players only carry their brands in their bag. When I applied for the Discraft Underground (I did not make it) you have to carry a complete Discraft or DGA bag! I just think it would be cool to see!!

        Updated Idea: Maybe they only show this box when the player is throwing one of their sponsors disc! I would even like to see that!

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