Strengths & Weaknesses

  • John Brook

    September 16, 2023 at 7:51 pm

    My putting game comes and goes. One weekend at league all c2 smashed with attorney, c1 flop outs. Why ?

    I’m thinking I take short putts for granted and become lazy.

    The next weekend at tournament I can’t hit a barn never mind even c1.

    I don’t even know if there’s a question in there, so any comments are welcome. Thx

    • Dave Baumrucker

      September 16, 2023 at 8:18 pm

      One thing that has helped my putting notably is playing a few rounds and only giving myself 3 second after stepping up to the mini to throw. There us something about trusting the intuitiveness of your body – usually hits everytime.

      From there I simply doubled the time, adding a dry run in at the same speed as before, reset, visualize, then throw on the second movement.

      Hope this helps.

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